"The Kentucky Battle Song"



Verse One:

In the year of sixty one we left our native land
for we could not bend our spirits to a tyrants stern command
And we rallied to our Buckner while our hearts were sad and sore
To offer our blood for freedom as our fathers did before


And we'll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old kentucky home.

Verse two:

When first the Southern flag whirled its folds upon the air,
Its stars had hardly gathered till Kentucky's sons were there,
And they swore a solemn oath as they sternly gathered round
They would only live as freeman in the dark and bloody ground.


And we'll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old kentucky home.

Verse three:

With Buckner as our leader and Morgan in the Van,
We Will plant the flag of freedom in our fair and happy land
We will drive the tyrants minions to the Ohio's rolling flood,
And will dye her waves in crimson with coward Yankee blood.


And we'll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old kentucky home.

Verse four:

Then cheer ye Southern braves, ye soon shall see the day,
When Kentucky's fairest daughters will cheer you on your way,
And then her proud old mothers will welcome one and all
For "United we must stand, but divided we must fall".


Gen. Basil Duke
Gen. J. H. Morgan
Morgan's Units
 Enemy Units

Background midi, "Kentucky Battle Song", Copyright 1998, Scott Williams, from the "Borderland Collection", All Rights Reserved.